Dental Pearls and Emerging Speaker Abstract Submissions

Dental Pearls Presentations

Open to all AGD members with preference to FAGD and MAGD Awardees

These are 10-15-minute case study and/or interesting case presentations, followed by 3-5 minutes of Q&A after each presentation 

Dental Pearls may be case studies and/or interesting cases that have relevant educational benefit to attendees. These presentations may have been previously published. All disciplines of dentistry will be considered. During the three (3)-hour session, there will be a maximum of nine (9) presentations with an AGD appointed moderator to facilitate the Q&A portion. Submissions must include a course description and a minimum of two learning objectives. Selected speakers will receive a complimentary registration to AGD2023. Dental Pearls speakers do not receive speaker honorarium nor are reimbursed for any travel/hotel expenses. 


Emerging Speaker Presentations

Open to all dentists both AGD members and nonmembers with preference to AGD members

Emerging speaker sessions are for individuals who have not yet presented on a national stage. Emerging Speaker sessions are 50-minute lectures on any clinical discipline topic in a symposium-style format. Presentations should focus on current issues with immediate relevance and importance to the field of dentistry, including current best practices, emerging technologies and techniques, or sharing of clinical success or how to avoid failures. Presentations must not include any product or promotional content. Selected speakers will receive complimentary registration to AGD2023. Emerging Speakers do not receive any speaker honorarium nor reimbursement for any travel/hotel expenses. 

Recommencing Speakers Presentations

Open to all dentists both AGD members and nonmembers with preference to AGD members

Recommencing speakers who are returning to the national stage after a brief break. These sessions are 50-minute lectures on any clinical topic across the spectrum of dentistry in a symposium-style format. Submissions must include a title, brief course description and at least two learning objectives. Each presentation should focus on current issues with immediate relevance and importance to the field of dentistry, including current best practices, emerging technologies and techniques, or sharing of clinical success or how to avoid failures. Presentations must not include any product or promotional content. Selected speakers will receive  complimentary registration to AGD2023. Recommencing speakers do not receive any speaker honorarium nor reimbursement for any travel/hotel expenses. 

Submission of an abstract proposal does not guarantee acceptance to the AGD2023 program. All abstract proposals are reviewed by the Scientific Meeting Council, based on clarity of the description, learning objectives, creativity of proposed topic/case, and its significance to general dentistry. Incomplete proposals will not be accepted. Formal notification of selection will occur after the SMC has reviewed all complete submissions.

Speakers chosen will be required to submit their final presentation (PowerPoint or compatible format) including any clinical photos or video clips to AGD no later than June 9, 2023. 

Submit an Abstract Today

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any financial honorarium, reimbursement/expense assistance for these presentations?
May individuals who are not Fellows (FAGD) or Masters (MAGD) submit an abstract for Dental Pearls?
May I submit more than one abstract per category?
May I submit for each category?
How do I get started?
What do I need to submit for a complete abstract?
May I make changes to my abstract?
When will I be notified if I have been accepted?
What is the deadline date to submit my abstract?
What is the best application to use to create my presentation?
What do selected speakers need to bring to AGD 2023?
When must I submit materials for my presentation?
Canceling after I have been accepted and I have agreed to present.
When will I get complimentary registration?
When will I know my room assignment?
Who do I contact if you have any additional questions?